Sunday, June 19, 2011

Assignment due Monday, June 20

Assignment Due Monday June 20, 2011

1) Finish designing symbol with your partner

2) Choose one or two words from your or your partner’s list of words from their free association list and add this text to your symbol. Remember that the text and symbol should work together to communicate a message, theme or idea (group). Bring finished piece to class on Monday, June 20th. Also photograph the piece and email it to me.

3) Individually continue writing about your process that was undertaken with your partner in designing the finished piece. Remember to include challenges and successful aspects of the project.

4) Reading- Excerpt from Bruce Mau, Massive Change

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Assignment Due June 13th

Assignment Due Monday June 13, 2011

1) With your partner post at least 10 photographs from the group walk and write a paragraph explaining why these images define a neighborhood/community. What makes the neighborhood unique in relation to the photographs you have chosen?

2) Individually on a piece of paper make a free association list of words inspired by place. Write for at least 5 minutes without stopping. List things, feelings and actions This list of words can include the High Line as well as the galleries that we went to on Friday.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Asignment Due June 8th

Assignment Due Wednesday June 8, 2011

1) Post photograph of yourself and a small bio on the class blog. They to be creative in the photograph that you choose, it should represent something unique about you.

2) Read except from “The agency of Mapping”. How do you interpret this? Write a paragraph on what your interpretation of this sentence is?

James Corner, The agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention.

From Mappings, Realtion Books, London, 1999, p. 231-252

Mapping is a fantastic cultural project, creating and building the world as much as measuring and describing it. Long affiliated with the planning and design of cities, landscapes and buildings, mapping is particularly instrumental in construing and constructing of lived space. In this active sense, the function of mapping is less to mirror reality than to engender the reshaping of worlds in which people live.